Find peace and hope in these chaotic times

Let’s face it, the world is getting pretty confusing these days, and truth is growing increasingly unpopular. We’re here to shine light into the darkness and clarity amidst the chaos.

Think of The Field Journal Podcast as a digital journal recording observations and insights on the whirlwind of modern life. Only instead of reporting on the events unfolding around us, we’re processing them through the timeless lens of the Kingdom Story.

Together, we’ll build an eternal perspective and find hope and peace despite our circumstances.

What credentials matter?

Sure, you want a doctor to have gone to medical school, and your electrician to be licensed so your house doesn’t burn down, but what “credential” makes someone qualified to discuss spiritual matters?

Degrees? Nope, that’s a relatively modern concept. The first disciples turned the world upside down without one.

Titles? Nope, Jesus said the Pharisees and other religious leaders were the blind leading the blind.

Popularity? Nope, the prophets, apostles and messengers that told God’s Story were maligned – stoned, beaten, imprisoned and often killed.

Now, I am not saying that I am a prophet or apostle, only the Lord can appoint such a person. I do have degrees and certifications and have held various positions within the Church that could be considered qualifications for this podcast…

But, that is most likely not why you’re reading this section on credentials. What you want to do is to make sure I’m not crazy and wasting your time.

I get it. I would do the same thing. The reality is the only way to find out is to listen and examine what I say.

So here’s my proposal:

Check out the first 5 episodes – the first one is just 13 minutes – and all together, it’ll take less time than watching the latest Hollywood flick.

Make an informed decision. If there is no value, walk away. However, it is my hope you will discover how God’s Kingdom Story helps us navigate a world that is ever increasing in chaos and confusion and subscribe to The Field Journal Podcast.


Kirk Buckner


Truth of the Kingdom

Truth of the Kingdom is a statement as much it is mission to proclaim:

God is telling an amazing story of good and evil, one with heartbreaking rebellion and peace-making reconciliation. It is a Kingdom story. And we all live in it, whether we choose to believe it or not.

All those who pledge allegiance to the King will find the sorrows of this life wiped away and replaced with a life full of love, joy, peace, and kindness under His reign for eternity.

The Field Journal Podcast is a production of Truth of the Kingdom, a ministry of Fruitful Enterprises, LLC.

As the world grows more confusing and truth takes a backseat to agendas and popular opinion, The Field Journal Podcast shares insight on what’s unfolding through the lens of the Kingdom story so we can build an eternal perspective to bring peace and hope. Subscribe to navigate these unprecedented times.

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Fruitful Enterprises 194 Dakota Drive #B340 Cabot, AR 72023